
Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., LTD is a National Fixed-point pesticide manufacturer and the national Hi-Tech  ...

Evergreen agrochemical ei...
2012 "meet, celebration o...
Evergreen stake in 2011 t...
Jiangsu changqing agroche...
Laboratory is a new product research and development center of chemical pesticides, take on new products and put into production...

Analysis room is responsible for the company among all raw material quality control and inspection, to ensure that the incoming raw...

Now has 12 synthesis workshop, solid, liquid preparation processing workshops each one USES the advanced equipment...

My company's products are exported to Europe, Africa, South America, North America, southeast Asia, domestic sales have been...

India banned the imp...
Domestic enterprises...
Lear's chemistry: c ...
Japan's sumitomo che...

Add : 1 Jiangling Road, Putou Town, Jiangdu District
Tel : +86-514-86168288
Fax: +86-514-86421039
E-mail : jscq@jscq.com(Business Connection)

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